
Why Attend a Yoga Retreat?

Why Attend a Yoga Retreat?

Why Attend a Yoga Retreat?        Let me count the ways ! In order to maintain balance of body, heart, mind and spirit, we need to nourish our inner beings.  There is no better way to do this than take a break from the hamster wheel of daily life routines and immerse...

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Breath, The Chakras and Living a Radiant Life

Do you live in radiance? Is your life as you Desire? As humans, we travel the world from awe and innocence, through challenges, loss and pain, and as we age, often end up living with some combination of bitter, sick, complacent, addicted, living in fantasy (deluded)...

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Yoga and Creativity: What’s the Connection?

Yoga and Creativity: What’s the Connection?

If you think of Yoga as focused on getting you out of your common body and mind habits,  you'd be speaking my language.   When you are guided to become aware of your physical body in postures (asanas), linking with directed breathing, you stretch beyond the typical...

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Generosity Most people consider generosity in terms of money or material giving. But there are many ways to be generous. We can give our time, appreciation, care, thoughtfulness, advice and positive presence. We can be gracious listeners. We can be generous with our...

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Discover Your Best Entry Point Into Yoga

Discover Your Best Entry Point Into Yoga

Are you overwhelmed by the endless yoga-style options claiming to remedy all your problems?  
Do you want to understand why some classes, practices seem to help and others don’t?
Do you want to dive in, but don’t understand what would best serve you?

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"Yoga practices to Integrate the 5 Layers of your Elemental Being"

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