Be A New Human, to Co-Create a New Earth – Begin with this Practice
It didn't address fixing environmental problems, as I'd anticipated. But I've since realized that healing one's 'pain body', (our emotional wounding), through our daily commitment to spiritual practice, is essential if we are to awaken and correct our habit patterns...
Play is Seriously Relevant for YOU, WE, ALL
Play is essential to living a rich, ever-evolving life. In contrast to the long held belief that children play as a form of practice in becoming an adult, (thus best left behind with childhood), play is crucial for adults to remain fresh, flexible and resilient.
Part 5 of Are you a Meditation Drop-Out – Guidelines to Staying the Course – Be Willing to Evolve the Practice.
Any activity worthy of our time, is naturally in competition with all the other activities coming in and out of our desirous mind, and let’s face it, sitting and doing nothing is not very sexy, when compared to say… eating, drinking, chatting, sex, striking something...
Part 4: Support of Are you a Meditation Drop-Out? 5 Guidelines to Stay the Course.’
The last three newsletters explored 3 of 5 guidelines to Consistent Meditation: 1. Starting and 2. Keeping the Why Alive and 3. Commit. If you missed them, just click on the highlighted titles to access and read. What primarily prevents us from meditating...
Are you a Meditation Drop-Out? 5 Guidelines to Stay the Course. Part 3: Commit!
The last two newsletters explored 2 of 5 guidelines to Consistent Meditation: 1. Starting and 2. Keeping the Why Alive. If you missed them, just click on the highlighted titles to access and read. Starting and Reflecting on Positive Changes to keep the Why Alive,...
Part 2: Are you a Meditation Drop-Out? Keep the Why Alive!
Last newsletter, I embarked on exploring the first of 5 guidelines to Consistent Meditation ~ Starting. If you missed the short synopsis on how I started meditation, when it was far from a ubiquitous household word, click here… The Start is obviously, Essential… but...
Are you a Meditation Drop-Out?
5 Guidelines to Stay the Course, and my story of how I got Started. If you are skeptical about the worth of meditation, or you’ve tried meditation and jumped ship, perhaps repeatedly, read on. I did the on again, off again approach to meditation for about 1.5...
Gratitude … For Pain? Suffering? Are you Crazy? Good Crazy?
Thanksgiving is a time we naturally focus on Gratitude; We share good food, company and be thankful for all that is good in our life. Generosity and Gratitude are principal focal points. So I seize this moment to Say "I hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving" Genuinely...
Air Element in Yoga & You: Tornado or Gentle Breeze?
I recall in my late 20’s, experiencing so much confusion that I was literally walking around in circles. I was in my ‘creativity’ room and so anxious about my life, that I did not know what to do with myself. Similar to how self-soothing can appear as curled up and...
Tornado or a Gentle Breeze? The Air Element in Yoga & You
I recall in my late 20’s, experiencing so much confusion that I was literally walking around in circles. I was in my ‘creativity’ room and so anxious about my life, that I did not know what to do with myself. Similar to how self-soothing can appear as curled up and...