It didn’t address fixing environmental problems, as I’d anticipated. But I’ve since realized that healing one’s ‘pain body’, (our emotional wounding), through our daily commitment to spiritual practice, is essential if we are to awaken and correct our habit patterns bent on ecocide.

Conscious breathing, meditation and various forms of reflecting help us heal into wholeness over time.  The process of becoming awake to our unconscious habits of feeding our emotional wounds through what we read, think and talk about (and all the accompanying bad habits that result when we feel powerless), depends upon developing the witness consciousness ~ that which perceives the habits of our personality.  When we ‘see’ how our stories flagellate unconscious wounds and contributes to being dis-empowered, we awaken to the first truth. The second truth is that we each have a choice; we’ve been choosing all along.

We can choose to stop feeding the pain body; when we shift our stories, we rise above our circumstances and challenge our self to think differently…because what we think becomes beliefs… and what we believe is reflected in our outer and inner lives.  Are you Happy? at Peace? Content? Regardless of what’s going on around you…

It is my desire to support the unfolding of the New Human on the New Earth, I will begin to send weekly short offerings ~ practices you can do.

Begin with this:
Close your eyes and take a few breaths to connect with your breath.  Set an intention to feel better in each and every moment.  Then begin to take longer breaths through the nostrils; follow the breath deep into your abdominal cavity – focus on the image of filling a tear shaped balloon with water, slowly, smoothly… so that it fills up in all directions: down, front, sides, back… feel into the experience of the expansion of your mid-belly area, all around, until you cannot bring anymore air in, and then pause, relax… and slowly, release the breath… like it is gently being pulled out of your belly, until it is squeezing inwards in all directions towards the spine.  The balloon is fully deflated now.  Pause and if you are not totally relaxed, take a few normal breaths in between. Then do a total of 10 breaths like this; use your fingers/thumbs to count; focus on each one a little longer, deeper, while remaining relaxed.
Do this simple practice 5 x per day; transition points in your day are perfect opportunities.
And let me know what your experience of the shift in awareness – practice putting words to it… what were you thinking/feeling prior to?  Afterwards?  I’d love to hear from you…