Online Adult Yoga Classes
13 Weeks of on-Line CLASSES – YOGA OASIS / Debbie Mathew
Runs: January 6, 2025 through April 13, 2025
Yin and/or Hatha Playlists of Pre-Recorded Yoga Videos
Online Classes: All video yoga classes are approximately 60 – 75 minutes long, beginning with a 5-minute restorative/grounding pose and hand gesture/Mudra to anchor oneself in the practice, and set an intention. This is followed by about 50-60 minutes of Hatha or Yin Poses focused on unifying breath within the poses; the class ends with at least 5 minutes of sivasana / deep relaxation to integrate your efforts and achieve maximum benefit for you.
Recommendations for Practice: I suggest you choose a consistent time to practice, and do so at least 2-3 times per week. If you are beginning this new, set an intention for practicing 1x/week. Put the time(s) you choose on your calendar as a commitment to self-care. Create a space conducive to practicing, temporary or permanent, with all your props ready. Get an accountability buddy to help each other be consistent. If you like, I am available for support coaching during a Series to help you develop and maintain a steady commitment to your self-care. See the option in the descriptions below.
It’s best if you can practice both Hatha and Yin styles as they are complementary in their results. Read the descriptions below if starting with 1x/week is most sustainable at this time; this will help you decide which practice is best at this time.
The blessings of prerecorded classes, is that you can do them again and again, mixing and matching over the 8 -12-week period of a Class Series.
Required Props/Equipment:
- a slip-resistant yoga mat; 2 – 4 blocks (wood, cork, foam)
- 2-3 firm blankets or 1 blanket and a standard sized bolster
- Belt/strap – 8’ or 10’ if you are tall; Simple folding Chair (for Hatha);
- Eye bag, Pranayama/narrow bolster (optional)
Registration Prepayment & Prices: Payment is via credit card (Stripe or Paypal) or Paypal. Choose below for the sign-up(s) desired.
8 Classes: $80 (either Hatha or Yin)
16 Classes: $150 (8 Hatha and 8 Yin)
You will be sent an email within a day of signing up, with a link to the playlist of yoga videos; these are from prior series, recorded over the past 4 years. You will have access to the entire playlist for 13 weeks starting January 6, 2025 through April 13, 2025. After April 13, 2025, the videos will no longer be available.

Hatha Yoga: Hatha yoga is considered a Yang practice, and engages the muscular system through strengthening and stretching your physical body, while improving flexibility and stamina. The breath is connected to your life force, so is key to synchronize with poses; practicing such unification calms and centers the emotional and mental bodies. In essence, these alignment-based Hatha yoga sessions engage the muscular, organic and energetic bodies, unifying these fields of experience within a unifying spiritual experience. The latter is achieved through inspirational concepts from yogic and philosophical wisdom traditions, the themes of which are woven throughout each class. Your intention is reaffirmed at the end of the session, so it reverberates through your daily/evening experience in the outer world.
$80Add to cart
Yin Yoga: Yin postures focus on lengthening connective tissue, resulting in deep stretching between the joints. The practice involves establishing a grounded posture, typically seated or lying on mat (not standing postures), and relaxing the muscles, so that the tendons, ligaments and connective tissues elongate. Considered a practice of realigning the skeletal system, the physical result is deep opening of the major joints: hips, shoulders, spine. Muscular tension and structural imbalances deep within the physical body resolve. Once established in a pose, the focus is upon breathing, awareness of sensation and relaxing into it. The result of this ‘body meditation’ is a deep integration of mind and emotions… stress melts away. As with all classes, your mind is directed towards uplifting wisdom themes that carry over into everyday life.
$80Add to cart

Both Hatha and Yin Yoga: Descriptions for each are above. This combination gives you the best of both worlds and benefits your well-being to the highest level.
$150Add to cart