Ayurveda is the ancient (3000 years old) sister science of Yoga, based on the idea of balance of body, heart/mind and spirit, using diet, massage and herbal treatment. Originally wed with the 8-fold path of yoga practices (asana/posture, pranayama/breathing and meditation), every person is treated in a unique way. Ayurveda is becoming more available in the west and I believe, will contribute greatly to the healing of many.

Ayurveda categorizes an individual as a combination of 5 universal elements (earth, water, fire, air, space); one’s physical make-up and personality traits are evaluated. The resulting constitution, or dosha, may be singular, or a combination of 2 or 3 of the following:  Kapha (Earth + Water), Pitta (Water + Fire), and Vata (Air + Space).   Imbalances often occur as a result of the elements being aggravated (too high or too low), creating sickness within body, emotions, mind and/or spirit. 

Ayurveda is a sophisticated system, and I am very much an amateur, but I’ve benefited from studying and utilizing some of the herbs.  I trust herbs to facilitate change at a deep level, meaning they treat the underlying imbalances, not mask the symptoms.  It may take longer for imbalances to resolve, but they do so without side effects, and with greater efficacy. I’m sharing some of my favorites that I consume – a ‘management’ daily dose.

If you are intrigued, I urge you to do your own research, check with your doctor and find a reliable source of the herbs.  I buy from Banyan Botanicals online, as they USDA Certified Organic, sustainable grown/sourced and Fairly Traded, all vital considerations to keep the planet and all people’s healthy, as well as our individual selves.  Banyan Botanicals has lots of resources about Ayurveda on their website, including a ‘What is your Dosha?’ quiz. 

Here is a short list of herbs that work for me.

Triphala: is a combination of 3 herbs: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki

            Since proper digestion and elimination is the root of Ayurveda, Triphala is one of the most well-known herbs.  It is Tri-doshic, meaning it is good for all doshas/constitutions.

  • Assists natural internal cleansing, gently maintaining regular bowel movements.
  • Supports healthy digestion and absorption
  • It is a natural anti-oxidant.
  • Systems: Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, genital

Ashwagandha: Rejuvenative for Vata & Kapha types.  It is an adaptogen, meaning if you are imbalanced in either direction (too high or too low), this herb brings it to center.

  • Promotes vitality (energy) and strength
  • Reduces stress, promotes restful sleep
  • Regulates adrenal function
  • Important for muscle and bone tissue, joint movement.
  • Healthy Libido

Brahmi (also known as Gotu Kola): Balancing for all Doshas: Pitta, Vata and Kapha types.  The leaf resembles the cerebellum, and is known as the energy of Universal Consciousness.

  • Promotes memory, intelligence and concentration
  • Proper function of the nervous system;
  • Calming for nervous energy; promotes ability to meditate.
  • Natural Blood Purifier, promoting Healthy Skin and Hair

I am happy to share more of the herbs from the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia if this is of interest to you… Just let me know and of course, if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer.