Part 2: Are you a Meditation Drop-Out?   Keep the Why Alive!

Part 2: Are you a Meditation Drop-Out? Keep the Why Alive!

Last newsletter, I embarked on exploring the first of 5 guidelines to Consistent Meditation ~ Starting.  If you missed the short synopsis on how I started meditation, when it was far from a ubiquitous household word, click here… The Start is obviously, Essential… but...
Part 5 of Are you a Meditation Drop-Out – Guidelines to Staying the Course – Be Willing to Evolve the Practice.

Are you a Meditation Drop-Out?

5 Guidelines to Stay the Course, and my story of how I got Started.  If you are skeptical about the worth of meditation, or you’ve tried meditation and jumped ship, perhaps repeatedly, read on. I did the on again, off again approach to meditation for about 1.5...