Free Hatha Class + Debbie Mathew’s approach to teaching.
For those of you who are new to my teaching methodology, or simply haven't thought about it for a while, or ever, I'd like to reveal how & why I teach Yoga the way I do. I'll focus primarily on Hatha Yoga in this segment, but some overlap with Yin. Here is...
Why I love Yin Yoga – Link to a Free Yin 45 min class.
Oh, let me count the ways…. It relieves pain, especially in the joints. Yin is like a free acupuncture session. It’s a body-based meditation. It’s the ultimate practice to calm the chaotic habits of the psyche. Yin unifies my...
Ayurveda & Yoga – the Basics & 3 primary Herbs
Ayurveda is the ancient (3000 years old) sister science of Yoga, based on the idea of balance of body, heart/mind and spirit, using diet, massage and herbal treatment. Originally wed with the 8-fold path of yoga practices (asana/posture, pranayama/breathing and...
Embrace the Solstice/New Year Cusp Energies to Imagine your 2019
It’s easy to let one day slip into the next, life unfolding without much awareness as to our choices in our life journey. But if you want steer your ship, now is a great time grab a hold of the wheel. The Solstice (Dec. 21-23) and weeks before and after the start of a...
How can you be Grateful for Hard Stuff…
In early September, I drove from Laramie, WY to Lake Havasu City, AZ, to visit my mom & give my sister (who checks in on my mom daily) a chance to go on an adventure. En route, I dropped off 3 art works to a beautiful art center in Tubac, AZ, a quaint historical...
Do you have an Open Heart? A practice to heal and ensure you do…
Is your heart open or is it masked with armor? Protected with spikes? Hidden in some deep realm never to be touched? Or leaking its wounds and tainting every relationship you’re in? If you are human, you likely have a wounded heart; if one risks to love, one...
Avoid Flu Season – Cleanse with a Simple Soup – Kitchari (recipe Included)
Kitchari Cleanse – recipe; Avoid Flu season – Embrace the natural cleansing time of the Equinox seasons.
Poor Sleep & Stress – What to do, so they don’t get the better of you!
I recently watched a program that claimed 3 things at the foundation of being happy and healthy: Sleep, Stress and Food. I’m going to tackle the first two, because yoga practices/lifestyle really are instrumental in managing these for optimal health. I’m also a big...
Consistent Inner Peace through …
Do you want to inhabit the space of Inner Peace consistently? This journey we call our life, is an opportunity to craft yourself as a New Human, one who is centered in Inner Peace and helps to build a New Earth, wherein all life is respected equally. Start with...
Relieve Anxiety, Be Calm with Abdominal Breathing – 7 min ‘how to’ Video
Abdominal Breathing Basics